We have successfully harvested more than 20 cycles with average productivity of no less than 60 tonnes per hectare pond across our 3 active locations. Our success is derived from the scientific and systematic approach that we apply.

We believe that the selection of a site is upper critical to the success of our shrimp farm. We have implemented a rigorous process to select our site which includes a Site Suitability Study that considers key factors of a shrimp farms which includes social responsibility, biosecurity, and water quality.

Water intake
We engaged a hydrographic surveyor and limnologist to determine the water intake point, direction, and depth before installing piping for water intake to get the best water quality throughout the year.

Water Treatment
We are implementing stringent biosecurity measures to treat water that are being used in the farms. Our system generates disinfectant from ambient air, not associated with toxic, harmful chemicals.

At each of the pond location, we grow mangrove forests that reach 50 meters in thickness along the coastline. We hope the mangrove can prevent seawater abrasion and improve the water quality around the pond area. In addition, we chose a location that is quite far from mining and industrial areas so that the quality of water used for cultivation is well maintained.
We always strive to use modern technology that is environmentally friendly, namely by reducing the use of chemicals to improve the efficiency of the shrimp farming process.
In terms of waste disposal, we build an adequate sediment trap infrastructure and Wastewater Management Plant (IPAL) to minimize the impact of waste disposal into seawater.
Moving forward, we plan to equip each site with solar power to reduce carbon emissions.
Since its establishment, PT PAP has committed to create new jobs for the local community. We empower residents near the cultivation areas and provide them with training and product knowledge so that they can become our partners in running the company. In this way, we can provide economic improvement for local residents as well as contribute the country’s economic growth through shrimp farming.
In addition, PT PAP also opens opportunities for students to do practical work (internships) to prepare them to become work-ready graduates in the aquaculture industry.