With its pristine sea waters and clear coastal areas, the island of Sulawesi is the location of choice for our growth strategy
We have secured [500] hectares across 6 locations so far and are targeting the use of 1,500 hectares of land around the island. Of the total, half will be allocated to shrimp production ponds, capable of producing a harvest of 100,000 tons per year.

Sarjo, Pasang Kayu, West Sulawesi (PT Manakara Sakti Abadi)
The first pilot project was operating for the first time in 2017 with a 9.2-hectare area through a partnership scheme with the surrounding community. We have 38 ponds with a yield of 1,000 tons per year and will expand the land to increase the yield in 2023.

Randomayang, Pasang Kayu, West Sulawesi (PT Randomayang Tambak Lestari)
Randomayang Pond has a total pond area of 3.2 hectares. This branch is one of the areas still being developed until 2024, with a total target area of 45 hectares. This pond has entered its fifth cycle with a yield of 350 tons yearly.

Sejoli Village, Parigi Moutong, Central Sulawesi (PT Parigi Aquakultura Prima)
This pond is operated in conjunction with the local residents. Residents own around 150 hectares, and the company owns 100 hectares. This farm has entered its third cycle with a yield of 550 tons per year. Its construction will continue until 2024 with an estimated yield in the range of 15,000-17,000 tons per year.

Hutakalo, North Gorontalo, Gorontalo (PT. Hutakalo Minatani Prima)
This area is directly facing the Pacific Ocean and is still under construction. Later, it is estimated that this area will be able to produce a harvest of 3,500 - 5,000 tons per year.

Pohuwato, Popayato, Gorontalo and Labuan, Donggala, Central Sulawesi
These two areas are devoted to the processing harvested of shrimp cultivating products. Both Pohuwato and Labuan will be built in 2023 with a total area of 10 hectares (Pohuwato) and 8 hectares (Labuan, Sarjo, Pasang Kayu, West Sulawesi (PT Manakara Sakti Abadi)